
listed by Author Last Name

(click on book title)

Brouwer, Sigmund - Flight of Shadows (A Caitlyn Brown Novel #2)
Burgis, Stephanie - Kat, Incorrigible (Unladylike Adventures of Kat Stephenson #1)

Healy, Erin - The Promises She Keeps
Hilley II, Leonard D. - Predators of Darkness (The Darkness Series #1)
Hilley II, Leonard D. - Beyond the Darkness (The Darkness Series #2)
Hilley II, Leonard D. - The Game of Pawns (The Darkness Series #3)  
Hirsch, Reece - The Insider

Karpen, Cheryl - Eat your Peas, Mom

Meissner, Susan - The Shape of Mercy

Steiner, Leslie Morgan - Crazy Love

Veness, Susan - The Hidden Magic of Walt Disney World

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